Best Credit card for Online Shopping with Cash back Benefits, The availability of cheap credit and internet has led to an increase in demand of credit cards. With the increase in number of shopping portals. Credit Card companies and banks have also increased the number of services they are willing to offer to attract customers.
Also the ease to do online transaction has become better. Credit card were traditionally providing loyalty points to its customers. Now the credit cards are providing more than loyalty points by giving their customers cash back options. This will increase the number of transactions done through credit cards online. Now check more details about “Best Credit card for Online Shopping” from below…..
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Best Credit card for Online Shopping with Cash back Benefits
Credit Cards in India
In India there are various credit card companies that offer great services and best rewards to their users.
Standard Chartered Bank Credit card
The Standard Chartered Bank Credit card is also considered a good card. It is mainly for online shoppers and is the best cash back credit card in India. The online shoppers can get cash back of up to Rs. 500, but the credit card has cash back limit.
The online shoppers cannot redeem a cash back greater than Rs. 500. It also allow for 5% cash back in departmental stores. Many Credit cards have an annual fee which the card holder must pay.
SBI Yatra Card
SBI Yatra Card is also a great card when travelling abroad. It also allow the card holder to pay utility bills online. It also give a flexi pay option to card holders to make payments.
HDFC Solitaire Credit Card
HDFC has also introduced “Solitaire Credit Card”, especially for women who tend to shop more online. The users get 3 reward point on spending Rs. 150. They also get vouchers worth 1000 every 6 months. Like other credit cards the interest rate is also higher.
SBI Card for Travellers
SBI has also introduced an IRCTC card exclusively for travellers. The travellers earn 1 point each time the traveller spend Rs. 125. Users can pay utility bills through them as well.
The travellers also get 10% value back on booking A/C tickets.
However, the interest rate is 40.2% per annum which is very high.
Citibank Citi Rewards Card
Citibank also has a Citi Rewards Card which provide huge benefits to online shoppers. The Citi Bank Cash back card is the best card for online shopper and urban city dwellers. It has cash back of up to 5% and great rewards. It also has an automatic redemption of cash back.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Card
- Carrying cash can be hard for many people. Credit card greatly reduce the burden.
- But credit cards can lead to impulse buying.
- There are various credit cards for online shopper or travellers.
- Also there are annual fees that the customer must consider.
- They can help you have a record of your transactions.
- Through Credit cards the buyers can save a lot of money by utilising all the rewards and cashbacks.
- Higher interest rates can increase the cost of a product.
- A new category of shopping credit cards has also emerged.
- These cards are providing cash backs and rewards for shopping more. Some of them have an annual fee.
While it is very important to choose a credit card that matches the spending habits and lifestyle. It is also very important to curb impulse buying as excessive buying can cause problems for the buyers.
Payback is a great way to earn customer loyalty many credit card companies are giving such rewards to customers. But with such benefits if a person is unable to control their spending habits, their debt could increase.
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