8 things that do not affect your credit score: Detailed

8 things that do not affect your credit score: A Credit score is the figure that reveals how good/bad your financial history is. know more details...


affect your credit score

8 things that do not affect your credit score: A Credit score is a figure that reveals how good/bad your financial history is. It is something that shows how well you handle your finances. The better the score more is the reputation you carry with banks, financial institutions, and other credit providers. So, one must be very careful while dealing with his finances, because how you spend your money has a very important role in deciding your credit score. However, there are certain things that do not affect one’s credit score in any way. This articles discusses, in brief, each of such factors.


How much you earn is a concern for Banks and financial institutions while they consider your loan application. On the basis of your income banks may extend the loans and credit cards. However, your income does not have any role in determining your credit score.

Interest loan on past/existing loans:

Having a very good credit score might guarantee you to get loans and credit cards at less interest rates but the same does not happen the other way around. Having a loan that carries a higher interest rate does not have any role affecting your credit score. Your existing and past loans might have been sanctioned on the basis of prevailing market conditions and existing credit score that have the chances of changing over time.

Debit card activity:

The transactions you make with your debit card do not affect your credit score. Funds flow from your bank account to your debit card and your spending history does not have any role on your credit score evaluation.


Bank overdraft is a facility provided by the banks to their customers to withdraw over and above the amount of actual account balance. The amount so drawn should be repaid to the bank within the due time allowed by the banks. Your credit score is not hit by your overdraft activity such as how frequently you are overdrawing etc. However, it might have an impact when you constantly make defaults in paying back the overdrawn money within the time allowed by banks.

Checking your credit score:

One can check his credit score as many times as he wants. It does not affect your credit score as long as it does not appear to be credit inquiry by lender. However, it may hit your credit score if you check your credit score through a lender rather than by yourself.

Credit counseling:

Credit counseling helps to manage one’s finances well. Availing the services of credit counseling might reflect in your credit report. But it won’t hit your credit score as long as the bills are paid in time. However, the same might affect negatively if there are late repayments even though the payments are made by a credit counselor.

Utility payments:

Cellphone bills, shopping bills and other utility bills do not have any role on your credit score as the providers of these services do not usually inform the credit rating agencies of your payment history.

Switching over many jobs:

Having no stable employment might prevent the banks and lenders from extending loans to you, but your employment status does not have affect your credit score.


Raju Choudhary is a Product Manager, passionate about technology and innovation. Having a background of commerce, he also loves to lead people with his easy going interaction. Loves travelling, reading and sports which make him upto date always.

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